
イーダ  25/02/2015













Poklosieというポーランド映画(Władysław Pasikowski監督、2012年)を観た。ポーランド語の原題は『収穫』の意味らしい(注1)、英語のタイトルはAftermathになっている。事件の余波、顛末といった意味だ。フィクションだが、1941年にポーランド北東部にあるイエドヴァブネ(Jedwabne)という町で実際に起きたユダヤ人虐殺を念頭に作られている。ポーランドには第二次世界大戦前、総人口の約1割にあたる300万人以上のユダヤ人が暮らしていたが、ほとんどがヒトラーの絶滅政策(最終解決)の犠牲となった。ユダヤ人以外のポーランド人も多くがナチの侵攻や占領により犠牲になっている。その数も200万人とか300万人とか、ユダヤ人死者数に匹敵する(注2)。


しかし、イエドヴァブネではポーランド人がユダヤ人を殺した。事件は長い間、ナチの犯罪として記憶されていたが、2001年にポーランド系アメリカ人の歴史家ヤン・グロスが、隣人であったポーランド人による犯罪だと発表して議論になった(『隣人たち』 (Neighbours, Penguin Books, 2002 )。ポーランド政府は調査の結果、ポーランド人が加害者であったことを認め、大統領が謝罪した。ユダヤ人は鉈やこん棒で惨殺され、残った人たちは納屋に集められて、建物ごと火にかけられたという。
















(注2)『子どもの目に映った戦争 (wojina w oczach dziecka)』(グリーンピース出版会、1985)という、ポーランド解放直後に子どもたちが描いた絵を集めた画集がある。福島県白河市にある、アウシュヴィッチ平和博物館で、修復された原画の一部を見ることができる。虐殺や強制労働など、ナチの蛮行が子どもに残した精神的外傷の深さを今日に伝えている。カティンの森事件など、スターリン指揮下のソヴィエトによる犯罪も含め、第2次大戦でポーランド人の受けた被害は甚大であった。しかし、クロード・ランツマンの映画『ショアー』(1985)など、ホロコーストを傍観したポーランド人を問題視する作品もある。







Recently, I had a chance to watch a Polish film called Poklosie (Aftermath in English, dir. Władysław Pasikowski, 2012. The film is a fiction based on a massacre of Jews in Jedwabne in 1941, a town in northeastern Poland. More than three million Jews lived in Poland before the Second World War. Most of them perished in the Holocaust. Non-Jewish Poles also suffered heavy losses under Hitler’s occupation. The Polish deaths amounted to two to three million (1).

In Jedwabne, it was the Poles who slaughtered the Jews. The massacre had long been attributed to the Nazis. Many Poles were shocked, even outraged when Polish-American historian Jan Gross published its account (Neighbours, Penguin Books, 2002 ). An official investigation led the Polish President to offer an apology. The Jews were slaughtered with clubs and machetes. Those who escaped were burned to death inside a barn which was torched from the outside.

Set in a fictional location, the film focuses on the tension between the protagonists, two brothers who are determined to find the truth of the matter, and the villagers who would rather assign the whole incident to oblivion. In the process, the protagonists learn that the farmland they work on today were expropriated from the murdered Jews, and that their own father was one of the ringleaders of the massacre.

It does not seem right to compare Poland, victimized by the Nazi Germany, with Japan, which victimized the rest of Asia. But the subject of the film, the selective erasure of the past in the construction of a nationalist narrative, has particular resonance in Japan today. Intentional forgetting of Orwellian type may be commonplace world over. It must not be tolerated, however, precisely because there are so many instances of it.

Benign efforts to remember the past, too, sometimes produce adverse effects. In August this year, Japan’s largest daily, the Asahi Shimbun, admitted that the paper knowingly published articles about the Japanese military sex slaves euphemistically called “comfort women”, based on a false testimony. The report that the army rounded up girls on Cheju Island in Korea turned out to be a lie told by a megalomaniac.

There is no way that the Asahi Shimbun can evade moral responsibilities. But the accusations aimed at the paper seem somehow gotten out of hand. The worrying trend is that people here want to believe that the Japanese army committed no wrongdoings, that there were no women who were forced into sex slavery. It begins to sound like that the Japanese army was righteous, that there were no massacres anywhere, not even in Nanjing, and there were no medical experimentations carried out on the living bodies of the Chinese POWs. This is to deny Japan’s criminality in toto.

Another worrisome trend is the glorification of the suicide mission. It is easy to sympathize with young innocent men who sacrificed their lives to defend the nation. Such glorification, however, does not call into question the process in which innocence had been forged by the state ideological apparatus. Forgotten are tens of millions of “others” whose lives were deprived of.

Many of the so-called “peace museums” founded and run by local prefectures and municipalities in Japan foreground victimization of civilians, such as those who died in indiscriminate carpet bombing of the Americans. Showa-kan museum, built by the state government in the capital, Tokyo, purports to display only the “hardships” endured by the Japanese nationals, such as food shortage and conscripted labour in arms factories. Such displays are misleading in the construction of an ethnocentric history. Obliterated are the suffering and the loss of the others, as if to tell that their suffering is irrelevant to public museums.

The Japanese living today, are not, like the protagonists of the film Poklosie, were not, perpetrators. They did not commit criminal acts at first hand. It must, however, be noted and remembered, that the erasure of criminal acts from social memory, also constitutes a criminal act.


(Note) Auschwitz Peace Museum in Fukushima, Japan, not too far from the nuclear power plant severely damaged by the tsunami in 2011, displays watercolours painted by Polish children right after the Second World War (wojina w oczach dziecka). They convey to the visitors a sense of deep psychological wounds that Nazi atrocities inflicted on them. Despite the enormity of their suffering, under Hitler’s and Stalin’s regime, Poles are sometimes portrayed as cynical bystanders, as in Claude Lanzmann’s film Shore (1985).













Your daily routine is nothing extraordinary. You go to work, come home, and spend the weekend with your family. You pay your taxes. You are a law-abiding citizen. The way you speak Japanese, however, betrays that you are “foreign”. One day, you are hailed by a police officer at a street corner. You are arrested and confined in a small room with about ten other inmates who speak languages different from yours. You are fed so that you will not starve. But you are not allowed to go out. Kafkaesque? No. It is real. You are in Japan without a proper visa, or your visa has expired.


Incarceration, an ominous word. It evokes images. An image of Nazi “final solution” by which millions perished: Jews, Romanies, homosexuals, among others. An image of “Enemy Aliens” who spent the war-time years in desert concentration camps in the American West, may also be conjured up. An image of Guantánamo, perhaps. The circumstances under which people were confined differ. Nazi final solution, some argue, was beyond comparison. Today, the images of incarceration are linked with the issue of border control. Illegal aliens are sought out, detained and deported all over the world. People are incarcerated, not because of what they did, but because of who they are. Freedom of movement and freedom of work are guaranteed within the borders of one state, or within the borders of a group of countries, as in the EU. The same freedom is not accorded to others who have come across the borders.


What makes the situation in Japan more annoying is that asylum seekers without a visa are also subject to incarceration when their requests for provisional stay are denied. To begin with, Japan has an extremely poor track record when it comes to refugees. Whereas some 20 to 50 percent are granted refugee status in other “advanced democracies”, the rate here remains less than one percent. A refugee, the UN convention defines, is a person who, “owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted, is unable to return to the country of his/her nationality”. It is possible that those who fled persecutions arrive in Japan without a proper visa.


Last year, I had a chance to visit a detention centre run by the Ministry of Justice with my students. We went with people from a human rights NGO as part of their programme to support detainees. Among the detainees we met was a Philippino who had married a Japanese. His request for a spouse visa had been denied as the authorities suspected that his marriage was not genuine. Another detainee was a Kurd who fled persecutions in Turkey. I wonder if the state is not exercising excessive power by depriving these people of a life of an ordinary citizen and by putting them through a traumatizing experience of incarceration.








On Diversity (2)

On Diversity (2)


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


In July, when the course I teach on transnational culture, required subject for the 2nd year students of my department, was coming to its close, I asked the students to write a short response in two consecutive weeks. I was appalled by the extent to which they had taken the myth of the homogeneous Japanese nation for granted.


The first response I asked them to write was about the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States. Contrary to my expectations, most of the students reacted positively to the pledge performance. Some even suggested such a ceremony should be introduced to Japan.


The pledge, written by Francis Bellamy in 1892, was designed to unify the American nation, the citizenry of which was composed of immigrants of different cultural backgrounds who spoke a variety of languages. Eighteen ninety-two was the year the Americans celebrated the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ discovery of the new continent. At the Colombian Exposition held in Chicago the following year the U.S. was lavishly displayed as an emerging power. It was also in Chicago in 1893 when Frederick Jackson Turner spoke about the significance of the frontier as the embodiment of individualism and democracy in the creation of the great nation. The census bureau, however, had announced the dissolution of the frontier three years earlier. Industrial cities on the eastern seaboard were swarmed with labourers originated from the poorer regions of central and southern Europe. It was in 1892 when Ellis Island began its operation. There is no doubt that the pledge functioned as a part of the mechanism that assimilated non-WASP immigrants.


(BTW, I recently had a chance to visit Stanford for the first time to attend a conference.
The university was founded in 1891 by Leland Stanford who accumulated his fortune by the trans-continental railroad business. Casual visitors to Stanford’s immaculate campus are not necessarily aware of the facts that the Chinese employed in the railroad construction were “excluded” from the U.S. citizenry after the railroad’s completion in 1882, nor the westward movement propelled by the railroad deprived the land and livelihood of the indigenous peoples.)


What I would like to emphasize is that the idea of assimilation (or integration or inclusion, euphemistically used) is no other than exclusion of others who are not a part of what is taken for an undiluted culture. The number of foreign residents in Japan (according to the Ministry of Justice, therefore not including sans papiers) has now exceeded two million. And besides, the Japanese nationals include large sectors of non-Yamato extracts, including those whose roots are in Korea, Ryukyu, or Ainu-moshiri. Yamato is self-referentially used to indicate the mainstream Japanese, whose sense of cultural superiority may be compared to that of the WASPs. Along with those ethnic minorities, there are also people who maintain strong bonds outside Japan, such as those who married internationally, or those who have lived abroad over extensive periods of time. I am one of the Japanese passport holders who feel somewhat uncomfortable being included in a sweeping category of the Japanese nation.


I would like pose a few questions to the students who wish to introduce the allegiance performance to Japan. Will non-Yamato people be also required to say the pledge? Will the pledge be addressed to the flag of the rising sun? My opposition to such proposal is clear. The flag of the rising sun has long been used as an ensign, but its history as the national symbol is short. It was invented by the Meiji government in the process of establishing a modern state. Think of those who, especially in the years running up to 1945, were deprived of freedom of thought and speech, were raped, were used as forced labourers, were assaulted, and were murdered under the flag. I prefer a community that cherishes plurality of ideas, languages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, etc., to a mono-cultural nation that forges singularity through performative apparatuses such as “the pledge”E Pluribus Unum.


The following week, I asked my students to comment on the statement made by performance studies scholar Richard Schechner; “Cultural purity is a dangerous fiction because it leads to a kind of policing that results in apparent monoculture and actual racism, jingoism, and xenophobia”.


Many of the students did not regard culture as fiction and had difficulties accepting the author’s proposition that cultural purity is dangerous. In their response, they seemed to disregard the parts they didn’t like and went on to paraphrase like; Cultural purity is dangerous because it may lead to racism, jingoism, and xenophobia. Placing their comments in a familiar context, some answered that it is important to maintain Japanese tradition but the over-emphasis of purity can be dangerous. I think the students have taken for granted the idea of singular and homogeneous national culture. The prevalent usage of culture with a name of a country attached (such as French culture, Chinese culture and Japanese culture) probably makes it difficult for the students to think otherwise. I regret that I didn’t spend more time during the course explaining concepts such as “imagined communities” and “invented traditions”.


Many of the students also disregarded the part about “a kind of policing that results in apparent monoculture”. They don’t seem to care about ubiquitous CCTV cameras that surround their daily lives. They do not think about the policing and the censoring function of the school, the family, the workplace, and of the neighbourhood association (chō-nai-kai), the association of volunteer fire-fighters (shō-bō-dan), and the association of the lay people affiliated with a Shinto shrine (ujiko), although the last three are not as restrictive as they once were. They don’t seem to be concerned about the new state’s management system of foreign nationals introduced in 2012.


Such regimes of surveillance have been depicted in the novels of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley and more recently in the film The Truman Show by the director Peter Weir. The last has a greater resemblance to the contemporary society in that the protagonist is unaware of his being watched. There were students who made a connexion between “cultural purity” the Nazi eugenics policy, but their number was small.


The point I would like to reiterate is that cultural purity, implying a culture that is not diverse and undiluted, exists nowhere, and that the maintenance of the myth of monoculture (one nation, one language) requires the violence of ostracism. With the increase in encounters with people of different ethnicities who speak different mother tongues, it is now impossible to contain “our culture” within partition walls, both physically and figuratively. Besides, borders, whatever the form they may take, can only be porous and permeable.





I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.












「国旗へ忠誠の誓い」の日本版を日本の学校で実施しようと提案した学生諸氏に尋ねたいのだが、「誓い」はヤマト民族以外の、つまり日本版非WASPの人たちにも強制されてしまうのだろうか。「誓い」のパフォーマンス性による「多数の統一(E Pluribus Unum)」ではなく、複数の民族、宗教、言語、思想、性的指向などの差異を尊重し合う、多様性を軸とする共同体を目指すべきだ、というのが私の主張である。






Cultural purity is a dangerous fiction because it leads to a kind of policing that results in apparent monoculture and actual racism, jingoism, and xenophobia.









