On Diversity (1)
participating in the Rainbow Pride events with my students last month in Tokyo,
I was accosted twice by reporters, once during the parade and another time when
I was alone resting. In the first incident, a female reporter from a satellite
TV station asked us what we thought about the support the parade received from
outside the LGBT community. One of my students (stating that she was a hetero) gave
a model answer; the issue of minority rights should be of everyone’s concern because
it is diversity, not homogeneity that is sought after.
The second
incident was more bizarre. The cardboard sign on which I wrote “Let's be gay" perhaps prompted a
shabbily dressed male free-lance reporter to ask me, pointing at his “press”
badge, during what developmental stage in my life, did I realise that I was
On both occasions
we were made an object of an (if not unfriendly) gaze full of curiosity, a gaze
representing the majority, the normal. What irritates me is that seemingly
innocent curiosity is used to confirm a divide that separates “them” from “us”.
While “good fences make good neighbours” sounds like a common-sense idea, fences
always wall some people in and others out. Under the banner of liberté, égalité, and fraternité, security
is provided for those inside the walls. But fraternity is rarely extended to
those outside them. Outsiders are made the object of curiosity, derision, and hostility.
I wonder if we
can realise how vulnerable that we all are: not just them outside the walls,
but us inside. This awareness makes it possible for us to approach people with a
difference with respect. To
construct a society that is diverse, we need to be humble. This may be something that I have said before; but as another poet put
it, humility is endless.
二度目の取材はより奇妙で(多分、 “Let's be gay"と書かれた手製のプラカードが目を引いたのだろう)、風采の上がらないフリーの男性レポーターが、成長段階のいかなる時期に私は人と違っていると気づいたのか、と尋ねたのである。